Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"a bitter man now"

Excellent article this past Sunday in TIME online on the "John McCain I used to know" by Joe Klein.

Some rather insightful remarks sprinkled through the piece:
  • Klein cites the passage of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as "another step toward the perfection of our democracy " (a feeling with which I heartily agree, given that the United States is finally joining 38 other "civilized" and [not always] "progressive" nations around the world. Some of the Comments on the piece note that McCain has carried on a consistently hateful and duplicitous diatribe against the DADT legislation that he first said he would support if the military supported it (and then switched his position in a rather bald-faced dance giving a variety of nonsensical reasons about why he was now consistenly against passage). Nevertheless, repeal passed.
  • However, in citing the difficulties of trying to pass the "Dream Act", Klein cites that two "of the original sponsors, John McCain and Orrin Hatch, voted against the bill...and one wonders why".
  • Klein's final conclusion mirrors my own appraisal:  "He's a bitter man now, who can barely tolerate the fact that he lost to Barack Obama. But he lost for an obvious reason: his campaign proved him to be puerile and feckless, a politician who panicked when the heat was on during the financial collapse, a trigger-happy gambler who chose an incompetent for his vice president. He has made quite a show ever since of demonstrating his petulance and lack of grace."
I heartily recommend browsing the full article. ALSO, some of the Comments are jewels!

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