Sunday, March 28, 2010

In Defeat, the Rethuglicans are still just MAKING THINGS UP!

On "Meet the Press" for Sunday March 28, Lindsay Graham (R) minority leader in the Senate said of the recently passed Health Care Reform: "It is a Ponzi scheme of the first order. It's gonna blow up the deficit. It's gonna affect every business, every family in this country. It was done by one-party rule. And it was-- it was a shame we had to go down this road."

These Rethuglicans never cease to amaze for their sheer level of chutzpah! I've not yet seen the MTP segment but if David Gregory didn't retort with "well how about all the times you said the Congressional Budget Office numbers were just fine? Isn't that the case now?" then Gregory should be fired. (Frankly, he's the weakest "journalist" in the NBC/MSNBC roster and the number of fall-down-laughing crap that he's allowed out of the chorus of choir-Rethuglicans really should be a sign that he's the wrong guy for the job. On one hand it's admirable that they are all signing out of the same choir book; the pity is that it's full of the wrong songs for the times!)

They're just making stuff up now. They REALLY, REALLY deserve a complete TROUNCING in November. Let's put 'em outta their misery and let them come back as something NEW. Obviously their ideas and alignment with their paymasters has brought them to their logical denouement. (It must be the sign of the Rethuglican Apocalypse when they enlist an Uncle Tom like Michael Steele as the mouthpiece of the RNC. He's been whistling "Dixie" for the last almost two years and has little to show for it.)

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